the half-open door (making his face very red in the process), and entered the room. 'Is the other specials outside, Dubbley?' inquired Mr. Grummer. Mr. Dubbley, who was a man of few words, nodded assent. ...
May 7 MNA leader, Ouhad Larid, is murdered by FLN terrorists on the Rue Porte bNeuve/b, Algiers. May 8 Resident Minister Rober Lacoste tells the National Assembly that a major military, economic and social commitment will be required to check the b....../b December 20 Michel Debré writing in bLe/b Courrier de la Col?re declares, "the abandonment of French sovereignty in Algeria is an illegitimate act, i.e. which it puts those which make it and those responsible for it outlaws". ...
December 18 Retired Colonel Raymond bRoy/b is wounded in a terrorist attack at Boufarik but manages to cut down one of his attackers. December 18 Fisherman Jean Rubio is killed behind the wheel of his car in Oran. December 18 Cap Martin, b....../b December 20 Michel Debré writing in bLe/b Courrier de la Col?re declares, "the abandonment of French sovereignty in Algeria is an illegitimate act, i.e. which it puts those which make it and those responsible for it outlaws". ...